Embraced by Embers Page 6
Thinking of that day had my eyes narrowing when another thought struck. The body Isaac and Rhianne had originally found in that lake had turned out to be an illusion formed from Spirit. When Isaac reached out to touch it, he’d triggered a trap that transported him instantly from the lake to this courtyard. Teleportation. Something I’d once thought existed only in science fiction and fantasy. Then again, I’d thought that about all forms of magic once upon a time.
While a dozen different arguments over what had just happened broke out around us, I beckoned Rhianne closer. She hurried over, apparently already on the same wavelength.
“That looked just like when Isaac disappeared from the lake!”
This confirmation had me exhaling the tense breath I’d been holding. “Bright white flash of light?” At her nod, I pursed my lips. “Only a few of us here would have noticed the accompanying detail.”
Jake broke in. “Let me guess. A huge flare of Spirit to go along with the white light?”
Riku and Colin joined us, with the first responding to the question. “Indeed. And Rhianne is also correct. That was the same type of teleportation spell that we used to transport Isaac here the same day you paid your first visit. And I can confirm that none of us would have the strength in Spirit to cast such a spell without pooling our resources. We certainly would not have done so without warning.”
I gave a fierce smile. “Meaning it was most likely cast by my father or brother since I sure as hell didn’t do it.”
He pursed his lips before nodding warily. “It would appear so. Unless there is some other significantly strong Mindbender of which we are not aware.”
I fanned my face at the mere thought. We had more than enough to contend with as it was. “Let’s hope not!”
“Then again, you were attacked by those motorcyclists whom your brother claimed to know nothing about. That could mean there is an unknown Mindbender who is making a power play of their own.”
Dismay ate at my stomach as I stared at Riku. “But if they’re making a power play against my father, why would they attempt to abduct Nic instead of me?”
Riku’s lips twisted slightly as he continued calmly meeting my worried gaze. “What if the power play wasn’t against your father, but against you.”
My brows arched and I jerked my gaze toward Nic, who stood between Liam and Dia mere feet away. Nic’s expression appeared confused. I knew that meant he underestimated his own value to me, and not just for strategic or magical purposes. I had come to care deeply for my brother in a short period of time. And it would appear that some unknown third party wasn’t underestimating that fact.
Same story, different day. Although at least this time it would be a different wannabe tyrant trying to abduct someone I loved to manipulate me.
I couldn’t bear to leave that confused expression on Nic’s face. “So if there is some unidentified Mindbender out there, they may have been trying to get a hostage to use against me knowing that I would never let someone I love go without attempting a rescue.”
Comprehension dawned on Nic’s face, and he flushed slightly. The tension in his body eased and he gave me a small but pleased smile. He’d seen me risk my life to rescue his parents but still didn’t realize that I would do the same for him. More than that, really, since I had a personal relationship with him. And damn. That meant that whoever had sent abductors after Nic knew more about me than was safe for any of us.
I folded my arms across my chest. “So we either have a case of Drew teleporting that body out from under our very noses, presumably to interrogate her to find out our plans or gather intel to attack us here, or an unknown Mindbender snatching her corpse after their earlier abduction attempt on Nic failed. We obviously can’t proceed with our plans to…” I glanced around as a sense of unease gripped me. “Well, with our previous plans until we determine which of those is the case.”
I had to ignore the sense of urgency building inside. We had loose ends to tie up before launching an investigation into the Case of the Disappearing Corpse.
I gestured to the Firsts, who were still standing in the center of the courtyard. “Best we finish our planned ceremonies. Then we can tackle figuring out what the hell we’re up against.”
Riku nodded. “We can keep our own ceremony brief, considering the circumstances.”
Colin glanced over his shoulder toward his grandmother, who most often acted as spokesperson for the Clan Firsts since two of their number had been rendered mute by my father’s evil Mindbending predecessor, Hikaru’s mother Yukari.
Li Ming inclined her head graciously and said, “As can we.”
They went in the reverse of that order. The Clan Firsts re-formed the ceremonial circle and Li Ming recited the crimes that my father had perpetrated against them and others; including his own children. Hearing her matter-of-factly recite how Garrett had abducted Elemental women like our mothers to forcibly impregnate them, even knowing that some of them would die without strong Quatrains to sustain them during childbirth, felt like living through that discovery all over again. I clenched my fists and found my breathing turning shallow and uneven.
Dia reached out to grab first Nic’s and then my hand. My breath evened somewhat when her hand closed over mine and eased even further when Jake’s hand took my other. We would get through all of this messed-up bullshit, no matter how hard it might be, together. Which was a whole hell of a lot more than Daddy Dearest could say.
Li Ming called on all senior Clan members to vote on whether to declare war against the Mindbender set on conquering those he had no right to rule. All of those present loudly voted in the affirmative. This was a formality, however, because the true votes that counted when it came to formal declarations of war were the four Firsts. It would take a rare, completely unanimous vote of the entire Clan to overturn their declaration of war. Each of the Firsts voted, two verbally and two with emphatic gestures of sign language, all four also in the affirmative. They also re-affirmed their recognition of me as Clan Zi’s chosen liegelord.
That had been expected, but what shocked me was when Li Ming called for me to step up to the outside edge of their magic circle. All four faced me and knelt in unison. My eyebrows rose at that gesture, but what they did next had them skyrocketing.
“On behalf of Clan Zi, we take oath to serve our chosen liegelord, Cassidy Grant Zi, as if we had taken liegeoath to her ourselves. This pledge extends to each and every member of our clan, whether they take formal liegeoath or not. Any who betray that oath betray this clan and will likewise face banishment or execution.”
With so many eagle-eyed gazes focused upon me, I forced myself not to show any further signs of shock. I’m not sure why their actions took me so by surprise. They’d already been treating me in this manner ever since announcing they believed me the heir to Hikaru’s magical legacy. Hearing them swear official oath just made everything seem that much more real.
Panic clawed at my insides, but I again had to conceal that fact. The universe didn’t care that I hadn’t asked to be forced into a position as both soldier and general in the first actual war of my ridiculously short life. And neither did my enemies.
The Clan Firsts banished their ceremonial circle, and Riku led everyone into the nearby throne room for the official divestiture of me as figurehead of the Elemental world’s secret force. It was a simple ceremony, not so surprising given that we stood inside a monastery. Unlike most Clan ceremonies, this one did not involve a circle or channeling the physical elements.
Goosebumps pricked my flesh when Riku—mediocre Phoenix but strongest Mindbender present save me—channeled such a large amount of Spirit that it would have challenged my own abilities to hold it for more than mere moments.
Colin spoke from where he stood a few feet in front of him. “Centuries have we waited for the person gifted, dedicated, and worthy enough to assume our fallen liegelord’s mantle. That Elemental must be able to channel both Spirit and a physical element to ensure they do not fall
to the same madness each pure Mindbender risks being corrupted by. One such person now stands before us. We call upon this woman to step forward, speak her name, and state the lineage that grants her strength in the fifth element.”
Butterflies ran roughshod through my stomach, but I forced my expression to remain serene as I assumed my place to Colin’s left, directly in front of the empty throne. Riku’s equally calm expression—a facade given how much Spirit he was channeling—met my own. He gave a smile that humbled me with its sheer happy hope.
My spine straightened a little further as I prayed to prove worthy of that emotion. “My name is Cassidy Grant Zi, daughter of Elijah Garrett, pure Mindbender. I am also the daughter of Megan Mary Gallagher, Phoenix of Clan Gallagher in Ireland. From her I inherited the ability to channel Fire and from Elijah Garrett I inherited the ability to channel Spirit.”
Colin clapped his hand once, twice, and then thrice. “Let it be known that Cassidy Grant Zi has proven her magical gifts, her dedication, and her moral fortitude to the satisfaction of this order once known as Hikaru’s Own. Henceforth, let us be known as Cassidy’s Own, dedicated to assisting her in the war against her Mindbending father Elijah Garrett. He who has many times over broken Elemental law; unlawfully abducted and murdered innocents; and admitted his intention to overthrow both Elemental and human governments.
“We shall be her swords and shields; her bows and arrows; her eyes, ears and fists as each situation requires. So long as we draw breath and she fights the tyranny of her Mindbending father, she shall not stand alone. And now, let each of us present at this enclave take oath to serve. Felicity Chambers, step forward.”
The human woman I recognized as the former Stalker I’d met when I first stood inside this room, stepped forward and knelt before the empty throne that Riku stood beside. She gave a graceful incline of her head toward the throne and then toward me.
“I, Felicity Chambers, honor our departed liegelord Hikaru for the sacrifices he made to ensure magical balance at all costs. I now pledge to honor the sacrifices made by Cassidy Grant Zi on her own quest to ensure magical balance at all costs. I vow to serve her as my chosen liegelord. My first loyalty will ever be to Cassidy's Own and continuing that legacy of balance. Let these words be my bond.”
Riku murmured something I couldn't quite make out, and shimmering cords of spirit flared between him and Felicity—and then zapped from her into me. I swayed slightly as an incandescent burst of magic that felt very much like cascading soda bubbles swept across my body, only to fade immediately.
I blinked at the odd but pleasant sensation and concentrated. Nothing felt different like it had with my earlier liegebonds. I could only assume that this oath bound its speakers to hold true to their words rather than magically tying them to me. Probably a good thing. I couldn't have handled bonding the hundreds of people who considered themselves members of Cassidy’s Own. Not without falling flat on my face.
The next hour passed in a blur of monks stepping forward—the most senior officers alone, but everyone else thankfully in larger groups—to take their oath. Falling flat on my face from sheer exhaustion became a very real possibility by the time Colin took his oath, and then reversed positions with Riku so he could do the same. As Riku’s final statement ring out, “Let these words be my bond!" cheers cascaded around the cavernous rooms. Words failed me when my new...not bondmates nor liegesworn nor minions…Perhaps defenders? I’d have to ask Riku if there was an official title besides monks.
My new liegesworn surrounded me and began throwing flowers at my feet. Riku laughed at the incredulous expression I tossed his way. “It's an old tradition from ancient Elemental Clans. The flowers are intended to soak in the Spirit flowing freely in the wake of our oathtaking. From the days when Spirit was much more readily talked about among the Clans.”
I bit my lip. “You mean before Yukari the Night Terror rained blood and death upon those Elemental Clans?”
His expression sobered. “Just so.”
Shivers skated up and down my spine, but I tried to focus on the honor my new defenders were bestowing rather than the fear of history repeating itself. Besides, Hikaru had stopped his mother. He had kept magical balance at all costs. Even unto giving up his own life. I was ready, willing, and able to do the same. Hopefully with fewer fatal sacrifices required...
But you damned well better believe that sacrifice my life I would, if all else failed. Daddy Dearest was indeed going to find out he’d messed with the wrong daughter. Actually, with Dia by my side, make that daughters, plural.
Another hour found me once again stuffing my face silly, this time back in the courtyard where I’d taken on my newest and most reluctant liegesworn. And considering how hesitant Bianca and my siblings had been to take oath to me weeks earlier, that was saying something.
A long line of wooden tables and benches had been artfully arranged across the paved courtyard, leaving room for a few wheelchairs and softer, high-backed chairs for Elementals who had been either born or magically rendered disabled and the most ancient of Elementals.
The food was mouth-wateringly delicious, ranging from traditional Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian cuisine to Italian dishes to American apple pie. My magic-ravaged body would have scarfed everything down even if it had tasted terrible. Dia and Nic managed not to piss me off when they kept pushing food onto me in a way Jake would have earned himself the sharp side of my tongue. The rosy newness of having siblings who actually gave a damn about my health hadn’t yet worn off.
Although to be honest, neither had being mated to the love of my life.
Just before I started to worry the button on my jeans might snap off, Liam murmured something to Nic, and the two gave some ridiculous excuse about needing to check on something that could have definitely waited. Once, that might have made my hackles rise as my protective big sister instincts kicked in. Now, however, I had begun to understand Liam harbored true affection for my brother that went beyond the purely physical. That he had fought so fiercely to protect Nic in today’s earlier attack had proven that all too clearly.
Nothing said things between them would work out, but I’d cross that bridge when—if—it came. There would be plenty of time to kick Jake’s brother’s ass if he broke my brother’s heart. Although nothing said it wouldn’t work the other way around. Both men were too damned gorgeous for words, and more charming than any man should be when they chose. The thought of kicking Liam’s ass if the need arose had my lips curving upward because, thanks to the fact I could now channel Spirit and all four physical elements, I might actually have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating Liam in a fight.
Dia and Rhianne made a joke about Liam and Nic’s hasty disappearance, and my smile grew even bigger. So I wasn’t the only one to get that vibe about our brothers.
My voice remained deadpan as I said, “I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent reason those two just had to run off alone when they did!”
The other two women made loud smooching noises, resulting in all three of us breaking into laughter like a bunch of 13-year-olds. Jake rolled his eyes, but his lips twitched from the effort it took to suppress his own amusement.
Not about to let him off the hook so easily, I whispered directly into his mind. ((You realize I can feel you laughing along with us on the inside, right?))
((Yeah, but they can’t. And I’m not gonna be the one to egg you on. Brothers have to stick together!))
My turn to give an exaggerated eye roll. I opened my mouth to offer a smartass remark out loud, but Ju Hai gave a sharp cry from a few places down the table. Her panicked expression met my gaze before moving on to Rhianne.
“I just Foresaw death coming for Liam. The vision didn’t show Nic’s fate.”
Rhianne didn’t need to ask why Ju Hai had chosen to share this information with her rather than me. She was hands-down the strongest scryer of what was happening in the present just as Ju Hai best saw the future to come. Or more accurately, choosing w
hich of a multitude of futures were most likely to come.
Jake’s sister wasted no time in pulling an empty bowl in front of her and upending a water pitcher into it. Her eyes took on a vacant glaze as she stared into the water. Brilliant sapphire energy swirled in the air and zoomed into the water as she sought out the current fate of our brothers. Being unable to see what she saw had my fists and teeth clenching, but I didn’t distract her with foolish words. She’d tell us where to go as soon as she knew.
That didn’t stop Jake and his parents’ Quatrain from quietly preparing several groups to head out into the early evening to wait for one of them (or me via Spirit) to pass along orders on where to rush to lend emergency aid.
Please let us be quick enough to save my brother! And let Liam not be permanently dead.
The fact I prayed for Liam at all was further proof just how far our relationship had come since our first meeting. You know, back when he’d attacked Jake and called me hateful names.
Rhianne suddenly sagged with a pained grunt, her gaze shooting toward me. “Jeez, that was hard. Felt like something was blocking me. They’re under the trees where you waited while we searched the lake for Colin. But they’re already under attack. Please hurry!”
Dia, Jake, his parents’ Quatrain, and a flood of monks fell in step around me as I pelted out the building and along the path toward the nearby lake. Rhianne stayed behind to recover from the shock of someone, perhaps our mysterious Spirit-user, blocking her scrying. Last time, we had made this trip through the forest wrapped in the silence of my second-level firewall and at much slower speeds. This time we ran as if lives depended on it—because they did.
I glanced back over my shoulder once, surprised to notice that most of my new liegesworn had taken up protective positions around Jake, Dia, and me. I was more surprised to realize that Breena, Wen, Ju Hai, and Shan had allowed this without protest.
Then again, given that they had all been liegebonded to Hikaru, nobody understood the magical limits of such a bond like them. Although I did see Wen and Shan giving my new liegesworn fierce glances when their gazes fell upon the two men. Ju Hai, on the other hand, remained serenely focused on the path ahead. It was likely she’d seen enough of the future possibilities that she judged none of these people as serious threats. And just as likely she would only admit this out loud if she judged it critically important. Tight-lipped didn’t even begin to describe Ju Hai when she didn’t want to admit something about her visions of the future. Not that I could blame her. Look how well that worked out for Cassandra in Greek mythology.